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Frequently asked questions

Do you have a general question about urinary leakage and male incontinence? Below are some of the most common questions we get asked by other men.

Is my condition permanent?
Not necessarily. Depending on what type of urinary leakage you're dealing with, the symptoms can be reduced and you can go back to living a life without worrying about urinary leakage. To learn what treatment could work for you, please consult your doctor.
Do I have to stop drinking coffee forever?
No, but it's good to cut back on the amount of coffee you drink. Caffeine and alcohol are two of the most common culprits when it comes to increasing the amount of urine produced by the body.
When can I see results from my pelvic floor exercises?
This depends on your current condition, but it's always good to keep in mind that it takes time before you can see results from the pelvic floor exercises. Remember that the exercises are for a long-term improvement and not an overnight fix, so give it some time and keep in mind that it might take a few weeks until you notice any change. There are physiotherapists that focus on pelvic floor exercises, so don't hesitate to consult one to learn more.
How do I know which TENA Men product to use?
If you're unsure about which product to try first, I recommend the Keep Control sample pack from TENA. It's a pack with free samples from the TENA Men range so you have the option of trying a selection of the products at home before you make your purchase. It's also good to ask your doctor for advice as he or she may have some suggestions about which product might work best for you.
Why do some men get urinary leakage?
Urinary leakage can happen due to many different reasons and it's important to remember that it is very common among men. In fact, around 1 in 4 men over 40* experience some form of urinary leakage. The causes differ from man to man, but common causes for urinary leaks are, to mention a few, weakened pelvic floor muscles, age, obesity, or an enlarged prostate. In some cases it can be a hereditary condition. To understand what the cause is for you it is important that you consult your doctor.
*Based on survey conducted by Essity in 2012, with men over 40 in the US, UK Germany, Italy, Russia and Mexico. Data on file not published.
Is incontinence a sign of prostate cancer?
It’s a common misconception to think that drips and dribbles could be a sign of prostate cancer. While there aren’t so many early warning signs, family history and diet can both be risk facts. If you’re concerned about your risks, or any symptoms you might have, chat with your doctor.
I have an enlarged prostate, should I be worried?
Prostate growth is normal and for some men it grows a little, while for others a lot. In some cases, an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), can cause pain and lower urinary tract symptoms like, hesitancy, slow stream or inability to void, amongst other things. This is due to the enlarged prostate putting pressure on the bladder. There are good treatments available so if you are concerned chat with your doctor.