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Staying active with urinary leakage

There are many ways to stay in control and continue to live life the way you want to, regardless of what type of urinary leakage you're dealing with.

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Maintain an active lifestyle

Are you worried about having a night out with the guys, a four-hour meeting, or a game of basketball with your kids? There's no need to stop your daily activities just because you're dealing with urinary leakage.

Here are some quick tips that can help with urinary leaks to keep you a man in control:

  • Go before you go - Emptying your bladder before any planned activity can help set your mind at ease.
  • Knowledge is power - Learning where the bathrooms are ahead of time can help you plan your activities better and you don't have to stressfully look for one when you need to go. For example, if you're going to watch a live game you could try to get seats near the bathroom.
  • Stay hydrated - Don't drink less just because you want to make sure you won't leak urine during your activities. Drinking less will just cause dehydration, which will make your situation worse. In other words, remember to stay hydrated.
  • Avoid triggers - While it's important to stay hydrated, moderating triggers such as tea, coffee, and alcohol will do you good. These drinks are known to make your body produce more urine.
  • Clench - For many men, pelvic floor muscle exercises help when it comes to urinary leakage, so make sure you keep up those clenching exercises. Especially since you can do them both at work and at home.
  • Urinary leakage protection - There are great products available for men when it comes to urinary leakage protection. TENA Men products are specifically designed to offer discretion, comfort, and security and are made to fit your lifestyle. They come in different absorbency levels, from light shields to high-absorbency underwear, so you can be sure to find a fit for you.
  • These simple tips can greatly improve your quality of life and help you continue your everyday activities with confidence.