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Changing Incontinence Products

When incontinence products need changing, it’s normal to feel awkward about it. If you do it gently and respectfully it will help both of you to feel at ease. Knowing how to change your loved one’s products correctly will make the process faster and smoother, helping to minimize embarrassment. 
Before you do anything, though, it’s important to find the right product for him or her – one that will provide them with the best possible security against leakage, and give them maximum comfort. 

How To Choose The Right Product

Since there are a number of different types of incontinence products, you might wonder which one is right for your loved one’s needs. 
Below are some basic steps that will help you decide:
Step 1:
Find the product type that best suits his or her physical condition and the level of support they need from you:
> They need a little assistance 
> They need a lot of assistance 
> They have mental health challenges
Step 2:
Choose an absorbency level (the amount of urine that the product can absorb) based on how incontinent your loved one is. The absorbency is often shown on the pack as drops: the more drops there are, the more absorbent the product. If you’re not sure which level to buy, check with your doctor or another healthcare professional.
Step 3:
Find the right product size. Size is important for comfort and leakage security. Too big of a product means a big risk for leakage since it will not be fitted correctly.
Similar to clothing, incontinence products are available in different sizes: extra small (XS), small (S), medium (M), large (L), and extra-large (XL). Check with your doctor or another healthcare professional if you’re not sure of your loved one’s size. Or try different sizes.